On Friday night, September 18, at 1:05 a.m. officers were dispatched to 213 Sunset Avenue to respond to what an Amherst Police Department release described as a “large scale disturbance.”
Upon arrival, officers determined that two young men had been assaulted there. It has not yet been determined what prompted the incident, according to the release.
One of the men had cuts and bruises. The second man sustained severe facial injuries and is undergoing treatment presently for what the release describes as injuries that are not life threatening. The release does not say where the man is being treated, and does not name the men because it is an ongoing investigation. The men are University of Massachusetts Amherst students.
The suspect in the incident is described as a college-aged white male with a brown Mohawk haircut.
The investigation is being handled by both the Amherst Police Department and the University of Massachusetts Police Department. Anyone who may have witnessed the assault is advised to call the Amherst Police at 413-259-3000 or the TIPLINE at 413-259-3344.
-Collegian Staff
umass • Oct 20, 2009 at 12:20 pm
There aren’t alumni that live there. They were URI students that started the fight so before trying to pretend like you know what happened get your facts straight.
LOL@alumni • Sep 23, 2009 at 10:40 pm
Umass alumni,
Why do you choose to live in such a close proximity to 25,000 college students?
You are silly and illogical. It’s people like you that keep creating more nuisance laws that just make students lose more money that they don’t have.
Here’s a tip, go live somewhere(your in western mass im sure you can manage) where there aren’t a bunch of 18-23 year olds roaming the streets.
DreMan • Sep 23, 2009 at 5:17 pm
“A college-aged male with a…Mohawk haircut?” Couldn’t they have saved copy in just calling him a tool?
umass alumni • Sep 22, 2009 at 3:35 pm
Wow these kids need to grow up…going a little overboard on the drinking thing…cant wait till students go home…its much quieter when they are not around…