Shaina Mishkin/Collegian Thanks to your vote, we have chosen the photo of the semester. Congratulations to Shaina Mishkin for her photo of the UMass Republican Club’s mock Berlin Wall.
Another semester is over and during the past four months, our photo staff has done some very impressive things. Under the leadership of Photo Editor Hannah Cohen, Collegian photographers have taken 2,340 photos and compiled 38 photo slideshows.
But like any collection, some photos always stand out. Which photo is the best of the semester? You can help us decide. Our photo editor has chosen 30 of her top picks. We’ve left the final vote to you, our readers.
So take some time to view the slideshow to the right and vote for your favorite Daily Collegian photo of the semester. If you missed any photos during the semester, you can get weekly recaps or search through our entire collection.
Have a safe and enjoyable winter break and get ready for some more awesome Collegian photography in the semester to come!