No other dessert defines and dominates the tasty treats of winter season quite like a really great cheesecake. It’s one of the worst desserts for people watching their figures, but biting into this recipe will taste better than skinny could ever feel.

So named a “Deadly Sins” cheesecake because it was a priest’s take on a New York cheesecake, this treat is worth every bad thing it does to beach body efforts.
NOTE: All ingredients need to be at room temperature before preparation.
A beater bowl and a beater (preferably an electronic mixer)
A 10-inch springform pan
Any large-sized pan that can handle the volume of about 1-2 inches of water and the added cheesecake during baking.
1/4 lbs. Sweet Butter (approximately one stick)
1.5 cups of granulated sugar
Four 8 ounce packages of cream cheese
One 16 ounce container of sour cream
Two tablespoons of cornstarch
One teaspoon of lemon juice
One teaspoon of vanilla
Five eggs
NOTE: Baking a crust is optional. For those who want a crust, a simple graham cracker crust will suffice.
1) Before preparing and mixing any ingredients, preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2) Mix butter and granulated sugar at a medium speed until it becomes a light cream.
3) Add one package of cream cheese at a time, making sure each package is smoothly blended before adding the next.
4) Add the entire container of cream cheese and mix until smooth.
5) Add cornstarch, lemon juice and vanilla. Mix until fully blended.
6) Add one egg at a time, mixing until fully blended before adding another egg.
7) Pour the mixed batter into the springform pan and wrap the pan in aluminum foil to avoid any leaking.
8 ) Add one to two inches of water into a large-sized pan and place the springform pan in the center of the pan.
9) Bake for about an hour and 15 minutes. Check the cheesecake every 15 minutes to avoid over baking.
10) Wait until the cheesecake is cooled down before taking the cheesecake out of the springform pan.
11) Fruit toppings are optional and can be a great accent for this dish.