University administrators recently cancelled September’s “Return to Fantazia” show. Promoters Mass Electronic Dance Music Community and NV Concepts intended for the show to be an annual Mullin’s Center event; however Interim Vice Chancellor Enku Gelaye cited concerns about a recent series of concert deaths related to a pure form of MDMA known as Molly. Over the course of this column, I will explain the University’s approach to similar health hazards, critique the school’s reactionary logic behind the decision to cancel Fantazia (which I refer to as “Molly Logic”) and provide defenses against potential criticisms of my stance on the issue.

The University sent an email to all students and published a press release explaining its reasoning behind the decision to cancel Fantazia. The release identifies the primary reason for the cancellation as “concerns about the health and safety of the campus community.” To support its primary reason, the release then mentions “several Molly-related deaths that have been associated with electronic dance parties at venues in New England and New York.”
Everyone agrees that we should take steps to preserve the health and safety of the UMass community. The University has recently begun several initiatives to manage other threats to the wellbeing of our community, but in dealing with Molly, the University has adopted a reactionary stance to the threat. To illustrate this point, we should examine similar instances of University threat management.
Tobacco threatens the health and safety of both the individual consumer and passers-by. The school rightly took proactive steps to eliminate this threat: it launched its tobacco-free campus initiative, began providing addiction services to tobacco users and discussed the issue in numerous faculty senate meetings . The initiative is proactive in nature; it acknowledges a current threat and takes steps to implement a sustainable, long-term fix to benefit the health and safety of our community.
Similar initiatives include the University’s efforts to prevent student alcohol abuse (via BASICS) and its efforts to foster a tight-knit community through the UMatter @ UMass campaign In both cases, threats existed: students harming themselves through overconsumption of alcohol and students feeling disempowered and isolated. In the case of BASICS, every first year student learns about alcohol through the mandatory MyStudentBody test. In the case of UMatter @ UMass, administrators educate residential life faculty and first years about bystander intervention. In both instances, program leaders intend to protect potential victims through education. The logic behind each program is proactive and longitudinal.
The Molly Logic that supports the cancellation of Fantazia is, in contrast to the logic that supports the aforementioned initiatives, reactionary and short-sighted. As in the other examples, a threat exists: students irresponsibly consume an often-mislabeled drug without much regard to their safety. We can agree that administrators should eliminate this threat, but the method in which it does so is crucial.
If we apply the Molly reasoning to similar examples of threats to UMass community wellbeing, then the resulting initiatives look questionable. Alcohol problem? Disband campus fraternities.
The “Molly Logic” differs in that it fails to tackle the root of the threat to community health. If the faculty senate were to adopt proactive and longitudinal reasoning, then some of these examples would follow: a mandatory online quiz on the health effects of MDMA, or perhaps simple education on the dangers of mixing various drugs.
At a recent off-campus electronic dance music concert that I attended, volunteers threw water bottles to (likely under the influence) attendees who were dancing nonstop. Doing so at Mullin’s Center EDM events would parallel the Sober Shuttle initiative: acknowledge that students experiment with drugs and attempt to prevent harm. Drunk students cannot safely drive themselves, and students under the influence of MDMA cannot dance without properly hydrating themselves.
I’d now like to dispel the most obvious criticisms that I will most likely be barraged with.
I am by no means advocating the use of MDMA. The drug is notoriously mislabeled and presents more danger than regulated drugs, whose ingredients a user can always verify. Because of its mislabeling and the lack of scientific literature about its health effects, Molly presents a threat to the wellbeing of the UMass community. I do not endorse the use of a possibly mislabeled and relatively unknown substance.
I also fully support the University’s aim to prevent threats to the health and safety of our community. It falls within administrators’ roles to identify threats and proactively eliminate them through sustainable initiatives. The abuse of MDMA certainly presents such a threat. Though I part ways with the University’s methods of handling this specific threat, I fully endorse and appreciate faculty attempts to protect its students.
To cancel a concert simply reacts to a threat and fails to eliminate it in the long term. Nobody who received reimbursement for their ticket is better educated about the threat of MDMA. Those who intended to take MDMA at Fantazia will take it another time. The threat to the community’s wellbeing still exists, unaffected by a reactionary and disappointing measure taken by UMass administrators.
Brandon Sides is a Collegian columnist and can be reached at [email protected].
Kyle • Oct 11, 2013 at 8:51 pm
Has “N.” ever heard of second hand smoke, it’s literally the definition of Tobacco smoke for passer-byers. He can’t be serious.
Brian • Sep 27, 2013 at 9:49 am
In the 60s, rock and roll events were banned in the city of Boston. These decisions were made by powers in a generation that had JUST gotten around to enacting that whole “Civil Rights Act” thing, so I wouldn’t have necessarily expected them to evolve beyond this petty form prejudice and ignorance just yet, especially toward a type of music that they didn’t care to understand beyond disconnected rumors and stereotypes propagated by contemporary mass media outlets. It’s okay, though. It was a half century ago. The media was largely trusted. Their sensationalist tactics weren’t questioned or even noticed as easily as they are today. Truth was oligopolized. Regardless, those powers woke up pretty quickly, realizing how ridiculous of a notion outlawing a specific type of music was. And besides, the ban didn’t accomplish much more than temporarily stifling the cultural growth of a passionate group of Boston residents alongside the financial growth of involved local businesses and institutions. It has since been determined that the chord progressions and rhythms that characterize rock and roll actually DIDN’T drive listeners to stab people! … who would have thought!? The ban was lifted, Rock and Roll returned to Boston, and some violence was a problem throughout, music or not.
I’m a UMass Alumnus with a communication degree, and I can say with confidence that the most important knowledge I accrued in my time there was the ability to plainly see the true motives of media empires. Not that they are innately evil or manipulative, necessarily. But that their only real concern is the bottom line. They are businesses that exist to make a profit. They make a profit by selling the attention of large audiences to advertisers. They get the attention of large audiences by enacting the SAME sensationalist tactics they used 50 years ago. I had hoped that the institution that directly honed my own awareness of the media’s nature would be able or willing to look beyond the rumors and stereotypes selectively pushed into the faces of the public. I had hoped that my school would display integrity, not hypocrisy.
N. • Sep 21, 2013 at 11:50 am
Tobacco does not threaten the health of passers-by. I don’t think there is any research that would support saying this about an outdoor situation. I was hoping this was going to lead into a critique of such overly ‘protective’ forms of constraint in university policy (and maybe modern society in general). The canceling of this event was entirely part and parcel of the logic that gets applied to smoking, drinking, and so on. Think about it.
Wendy • Sep 21, 2013 at 9:59 am
I totally agree. There’s really no need to cancel a concert over fears of what a few may do. It’ll only push it to other venues. Instead have more security at the concert and increase awareness that the stuff purchased may be contaminated.
Anonymous • Sep 18, 2013 at 4:13 pm
“Those who intended to take MDMA at Fantazia will take it another time.”
Maybe, maybe not. You don’t know for certain that they will. But events like these cause a greater number of people to take it in greater amounts. So the decision actually prevents this from happening. It’s much less likely for people to take MDMA when there’s not an event like this going on.
It’s like saying “we shouldn’t save a life because they will die another time.” Or “we shouldn’t intervene in someone taking heroin because they will take it anyway.” We want to prevent people from doing things that are wrong, or save them from bad things, regardless of whether or not it will happen to them in the future. Period.
Hollindagain • Sep 18, 2013 at 8:18 am
You forgot to mention that this was a joint desicion between UMass and the company that manages the Mullins Center. The people whos job it was to make money off this event didn’t even want it. And stop saying MDMA when you kids are all taking bath salts. You really think that with the rise in popularity of events like this that theres enough of a supply of MDMA? Most people who have taken “molly” at UMass have not taken MDMA. They’ve taken bath salts, mephylone, mephedrone (MCAT) or if they’re lucky, crystal meth.