Massachusetts Daily Collegian

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

Massachusetts Daily Collegian

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

Massachusetts Daily Collegian

There is no ‘right path’

Organizations like the Collegian provide a much-needed creative outlet
Courtesy of Kate Devitt

Freshman year, I entered the University of Massachusetts as an education major with the hope of becoming an English teacher. After one semester, I transferred to Isenberg to study sustainable management because I wanted to earn a livable wage (thanks, capitalism). I decided to minor in both English and Spanish because I was unsure of where I saw my career going and wanted to open as many doors as possible. Then, I realized that choosing one of these studies to focus on as a secondary major would be easier and more worthwhile than a double minor. So, I chose English because I love to read and write, and learning Spanish is hard! I had decided on majoring in marketing and English by my sophomore Spring.

Needless to say, finding my path took time. I’ve always craved interdisciplinary learning, so deciding on my majors and navigating a career path was difficult for me. I know who I am as a student: competitive, curious, bored by math and redundancy but excited by thought-provoking statistics and work that makes a positive impact in the world. I’m a big picture thinker, creative and disorganized. But to boil down who I am into just two majors was challenging. I am still unsure if I’m on the path that is best for me; part of me wonders if I should have stuck to teaching or Spanish, or chosen to study journalism, political science or public policy.

When I decided to join the Massachusetts Daily Collegian — before I had even decided on majoring in marketing and English — I had no idea how much it would shape my confidence in my path. What I love about the Collegian is that there are no bounds or limitations to what you can do; there is no need to choose a section the way that you have to choose a major.  You could write about student life, technology and sports in one week, then join the socials team (best team ever) the next week, and then sit in the office and diligently dissect the Rolling Stone’s top 100 songs list with whoever happens to be around.

I am incredibly grateful for the experiences and confidence I gained in my abilities as a writer and marketer during my time at the Collegian. I discovered that I’m passionate about elevating diverse perspectives, and capable of finding creative ways to build and grow brands. I also met an incredible, passionate and hilarious group of people. There is no doubt in my mind that I made the best choice for myself by joining the Collegian. But I will never be 100 percent sure if I chose the right major or “path,” because no such thing exists. For most of us, there are several paths that will be suited to our strengths, engage and challenge us and help us achieve our goals. You should consider what you know to be true about yourself — shortcomings included — as you navigate college and beyond. Leverage the freedom of college to join organizations like the Collegian, because there are few opportunities to explore interdisciplinary subjects with such free reign — and there are few things as special as them.


Kate Devitt was the Head Social Media Editor. She can be reached at [email protected].

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