Massachusetts Daily Collegian

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

Massachusetts Daily Collegian

A free and responsible press serving the UMass community since 1890

Massachusetts Daily Collegian

Opinion & Editorial

Your photos are worth developing
Your photos are worth developing
By Fiona McFarland, Collegian Columnist • April 21, 2024
“Our lives are so intertwined with the internet functioning as it should, but it would be a mistake to count on technology always operating the way we want it to-- and it would be a mistake to not have physical copies of your photos,” Fiona McFarland writes.
How the solar eclipse gave us community
How the solar eclipse gave us community
By Manas Pandit, Assistant Opinion Editor • April 18, 2024
COVID-19 shaped the class of 2024 for the better
COVID-19 shaped the class of 2024 for the better
By Kate Devitt, Head Social Media Editor • April 17, 2024
Why journalism needs diversity
Why journalism needs diversity
By Grace Chai, Collegian Columnist • April 16, 2024
An idiotic response by UMass administration
An idiotic response by UMass administration
By Manas Pandit, Assistant Opinion Editor • May 8, 2024
“Peaceful students camped out on the South Lawn do not necessitate an armada of police officers,” Manas Pandit writes.
Josefan Diaz, Unsplash
The depersonalization of education
By Devon Chichester, Collegian Correspondent • March 14, 2024
UMass must cap enrollment to stop chronic overcrowding
UMass must cap enrollment to stop chronic overcrowding
By Liam Rue, Collegian Columnist • March 12, 2024
Patient experiences with CCPH are improving, but not enough
Patient experiences with CCPH are improving, but not enough
By Katie Seda, Collegian Columnist • February 27, 2024
We have a responsibility to educate ourselves
We have a responsibility to educate ourselves
By Juliette Perez, Assistant Opinion Editor • May 15, 2024
“I urge you to go beyond the borders of your daily responsibilities, and habits and areas of study, to seek out the truths that are systematically suppressed, to learn and accept the emotions you feel, and use them as a tool,” Juliette Perez writes.
Our climate’s battle wounds
Our climate’s battle wounds
By Grace Lee, Assistant News Editor • May 13, 2024
Photo courtesy of Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash
American imperialism is failing
By Benjamin Zhou, Collegian Columnist • April 25, 2024
 Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash.
We have to rein in the student loan industry
By Liam Rue, Collegian Columnist • April 23, 2024
Oleg Laptev via Unsplash
Are you only being told the things you want to hear?
By Kelly McMahan, Collegian Columnist • April 10, 2024
Opinion: “In the age of the algorithm, we must relinquish the conviction that we ought to have some sort of ownership of truth,” Kelly McMahan writes.
Sexual harassment in the age of AI
Sexual harassment in the age of AI
By Brigid Baleno, Collegian Columnist • April 3, 2024
College life won’t be like the movies
College life won’t be like the movies
By Katie Seda, Collegian Columnist • April 16, 2024
Opinion: “It should be exciting to try new things or learn to re-love an old hobby, but realizing that there are 300 organizations can be daunting and discouraging, especially since some require auditions, new member fees or other club dues.” Katie Seda writes.
Photo courtesy of Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash
College kills creativity
By Hailey Furilla, Collegian Columnist • April 11, 2024
We shouldn’t be ashamed of transferring
We shouldn’t be ashamed of transferring
By Michael Perrone, Collegian Columnist • February 27, 2024
A punishment gone too far
A punishment gone too far
By Katie Seda, Collegian Columnist • February 14, 2024
Episode 5 - Our Own Columns
Episode 5 - Our Own Columns
By Luke Halpern, Asha Baron, Manas Pandit, Juliette Perez, and Zach Leach April 30, 2024

The Opinion editors look back on and discuss columns they've previously published in the Collegian on this episode of The Opinion Havers.
Letter: When our leaders fail us
Letter: When our leaders fail us
By Martin Hunter, Senior Lecturer at UMass Amherst • May 25, 2024
“Reyes: please finally show us that you are up to this task, or kindly let another person try,” Martin Hunter writes.
Collegian File Photo
Editorial: Community, not division
By Collegian Staff May 4, 2022
We, the members of the Massachusetts Daily Collegian editorial board, write today to condemn the individuals involved in sending a racist, hateful email to Black members of