For all you drinkers out there who love beer, the Moan and Dove is a great bar to stimulate your palette with the taste of barley and hops. Every now and again it’s nice to step out of the packed bars of downtown Amherst and slink into a nice booth to enjoy a quality brew.
Set in South Amherst, the Moan and Dove sits on the border of South Hadley. It’s a small bar decorated with the bold color combination of black and red. Upon entering the bar, a relaxed ambiance drifts upon you, welcoming all, even dogs.
A nice aspect of this bar is that seating is everywhere and unique to each section. Grab a spot at the bar where you can look over all the types of beers on tap and glasses lining the back wall. If you come with a crew, take a seat at either the high rise tables or slide right on into a cozy wooden booth, which makes you feel like you’re in a Bavarian bar. You’ve finally been engulfed in the sleek and chill style that embodies the Moan and Dove.
Once settled, it’s time to get down to the reason you came – the beer. Each table is accompanied with a rather large bottle list and a wooden bowl filled to the brim with peanuts, the ultimate beer-munching snack. Now do not feel overwhelmed by the many choices that lie in front of you. Each style of ales and lagers is segmented to better assist the choosing of beer. There are three main sections: German style beer, British and American ales and of course, Belgian style.
Now within these portions come a variety of marvelous brews that can accommodate any person. The range is nearly endless, from stouts to international gems all the way down to the swanky Trappist beers. Each sub-section of these lists is attributed with informative, charming and even silly explanations to each style, so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Descriptions of the fruit beers always have costumers cracking a smile, and in most cases laughing out loud: “Beer of any style that has fruit or fruit flavoring added to it. Not just for ‘Chicks,’ in fact don’t use that term to talk about beer, or women, it pisses us off.”
If the menu doesn’t tickle your fancy, specials can be found on the giant chalk- board which is conveniently hung right next to the bar. “The happening” discloses all the specials of the week, including beers on the cheaper side for those who aren’t looking to drop that much cash. The Oatmeal Stout and Boont Amber Lager have sleek and rich tastes that slide right down the throat and have you going back for more. Both of these are fan favorites at a decent price, ranging from 4-6$.
Now that the issue of pricing has been brought up, it’s time to address the cost in more detail. The range of prices perfectly matches up with the range of beers offered at this wonderful establishment. It is easy to find a beverage ranging from $2.50 all the way up to $30 for the big spenders. Selecting a drink with an appropriate price is not a difficult feat.
The final, but most crucial task is to whittle the choices down and make a selection.
So scoot down to 460 West Street in Amherst and enjoy a refreshing and tasty beer in a cozy and relaxed, no fuss environment.
Leslie Rosenfield can be reached at [email protected].