With the close of the semester comes the close of the 2010 movie season. We have had a lot of laughs, a lot of tearscries, and a lot of cringes at a lot of the moviesthe theaters this fall. Here were are some of the highlights.:
A lot of you out thereIf you grew up watching Disney movies and, you may recall them as some of the best movies of your childhood. “Tangled” is a Disney movie with that old Disneyclassic animated movie feel, chalk chock-full of song and dance, with a new 3-D look. “Tangled” is about the story of Rapunzel, and while it takes heavy liberties with it, Disney manages to take the Rapunzel famous tale and create its own original and hilarious versionmake it its own.. That and the movie is absolutely hilarious. If you enjoyed Disney movies as a kid, go out on a limb and check out Tangled while it’s still in theaters.
The Social Network
OMG! Did you see what Jake posted on Facebook today? Well, if you did it was all thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, the man behind the Facebook phenomena. “The Social Network” is the critically acclaimed movie about the story of Facebookcreating of the social media phenomenon and all the twists and betrayals it went through before and during its inception. While many of the film’s details the movie includes may or may not be fact, this movie is definitely worth checking out. The acting and directing are incredible and besides, don’t you want to know how Mark Zuckerberg became a multi-billionaire in a matter of years?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
The Harry Potter movies are finally coming to an end. Part 1 was released last month and Ppart 2 will be released this coming July. If you like’re a Harry Potter fanatic, you have probably already seen this one. If you haven’t this It is possibly the best Harry Potter movie to date, leaving almost nothing out. If you don’tidn’t already know what the movie is about, Potter and his friends as they are on the run during their war against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Or Voldemort if you prefer.
Tron Legacy
Okay, so technically Tron Legacy isn’t out yet, but it’s coming out at the end of finals week so it’s within the semester. Disney has been building an incredible hype behind this one and with Daft Punk composing the score at least you know it will have a good soundtrack. Tron Legacy is the sequel to one of Disney’s earliest forays into 3D animation, the original Tron. The story follows Sam Flynn, Garrett Hedlund, as he searches for his father, played by Jeff Bridges, in the video game world of Tron. A few reviews have been trickling in and apparently the movie is visually stunning, especially in 3D. If you love shiny things you will probably want to check out Tron once it’s out.
The Fighter
Here’s one you definitely haven’t seen. It came out today. The Fighter stars Mark Wahlberg as Mickey Ward, a boxer who became the unlikely lightweight champion of the world in this boxing movie. Christian Bale is cast alongside Wahlberg as Dicky Eklund, Ward’s trainer and brother, a man addicted to drugs and previously a criminal. This boxing drama has been very well received so far and may even have some Oscar worthy performances. Plus you get to see Wahlberg wail on a bunch of guys for two hours. What’s not to love?
You may remember “Machete” from a Grindhouse fake trailer a few years back featured in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s “Grindhouse.” Well, as it turns out the trailer became so popular that it was turned into a movie by Robert Rodriguez. The movie”Machete,” directed by Rodriguez, was made purposefully in B-movie style, which works very much to its advantage. This movie starts Danny Trejo as Machete, who manages to hold his own among other more acclaimed actors in the film such as Robert DeNiro and the king of B-movies, Steven Seagal, the B-movie king. This hilarious action packed movie is about Machete getting…you know what? It’s about Machete being a completesimply being a badass.
The Town
Here’s a locally- grown movie for you. “The Town” is about a Boston bank robber played by, Ben Affleck, who falls for a bank teller who could potentially give information to the authorities linking him to a number of robberies. “The Town,” is also directed by Ben Affleck, and he proves that his talent as a director is legitimatewith this film. The movie has a fantastic cast and has been highly acclaimed. With films based in Boston movies being few- and- far between, this is definitely one you will want to check out.
Black Swan
Black Swan has enjoyed only a limited release this season. Released on Dec. 3, “Black Swan” stars Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers, a ballerina who is up for the nomination of being the lead role in Swan Lake. However, competition comes from Lily, a new talent that the director takes notice of. As Nina and Lily begin a twisted rivalry and friendship, Nina begins to get in touch with her reckless dark side. “Black Swan” has already received a number of nominations for numerous awards and will most definitely be on the Oscar list this season.
127 Hours
Hey, it’s James Franco! And and he’s trapped under a boulder for, you guessed it, 127 hours. This movie is the e movie is based on the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston, who became found himself stucktrapped under a rock in in Utah and the desperate measures he took to survive. The film takes an in-depth look at his psyche as he struggles to free himself, and his desperation to survive. James Franco gives a riveting and emotional performance in Danny Boyle’s (“Slumdog Millionaire”) latest film. for all of the movies 127 hours. Just kidding, it’s under two. This one is definitely worth checking out, especially if you like James Franco.
Jackass 3-D
What? What else could be on here? The only movie on this list that basically says right in the title that it needs to be seen in 3D, “Jackass 3-D” sees features thethe return of the whole original Jackass crew forin their third theatrical release. With just as many crazy stunts as the last two films, there is not much that can be said about the newest Jackass. If you enjoy watching people doing really stupid stuff go see Jackass. If not there are plenty of other movies on this list to check out.
So that’s it. The 2010 movie season is over. But 2011 is just around the corner with more than enough exciting titles to look forward to. So enjoy the break, we’ll be here when you get back. Coming Attractions!
Tron: Legacy
“Tron: Legacy” isn’t out yet, but it’s coming out at the end of finals week. Disney has been building incredible hype about this movie and with Daft Punk composing the score at least you know it will have a good soundtrack. “Tron: Legacy” is the sequel to one of Disney’s earliest forays into 3-D animation, the original “Tron.” The story follows Sam Flynn, played by Garrett Hedlund (“Four Brothers,” “Friday Night Lights”), as he searches for his father, played by Jeff Bridges (“The Big Lebowski”), in the video game world of Tron. A few reviews have been trickling in, and apparently the movie is visually stunning, especially in 3-D.
The Fighter
“The Fighter,” which opens in theaters today, Dec. 10, stars Mark Wahlberg as Mickey Ward, an underdog lightweight boxer. Christian Bale is cast alongside Wahlberg as Dicky Eklund, Ward’s trainer and brother – a man with a bad history who’s addicted to drugs. This boxing drama has been very well received so far and may even have some Oscar worthy performances.
Tappan Parker can be reached at [email protected].
Critic • Dec 10, 2010 at 6:28 pm
Tron: Legacy must be realllly good.