The winter season is usually when the most anticipated videogames are set be released because of parents’ willingness to dish out more cash for the holidays, but this fall season is seeing some major blockbusters hit the shelves way before the first snowfall. Some of the most well-known series are making a comeback this fall and you don’t want to miss them.
Resident Evil 6
Capcom is no stranger to the videogame horror franchise, but the publisher’s most beloved franchise has been under heavy criticism since the release of “Resident Evil 4,” when the series took a dramatic leap into a more action-packed campaign instead of delivering heavy doses of fear. Not everyone thought that this leap was bad, though, and that’s how the formula for the sixth game of the main series came about. The game features separate campaigns, one featuring the series’ signature horror element and another one that focuses on the action gameplay that many fans have come to love. Chris Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong and other characters are making a return in this game for another adventure in a zombie-infested world.
Pokémon Black and White 2
This game was released in Japan at the beginning of summer, but the next game in this monster-collecting series is hitting stores in the U.S. early October. The game is a continuation of the first entries of the fifth generation of Pokémon games, which is a new aspect of the series, since the third entry in most Pokémon generations is usually just an updated remake. There aren’t any surprises in this game (updated gyms, content, locations and new rivals), but the game is supposed to make an even bigger step towards developing even richer stories for future Pokémon games, rather than keeping the plotlines fit for elementary school students. Hopefully, this title will be the last game of the franchise on a Nintendo DS platform before the big jump onto 3DS platforms.
Angry Birds Trilogy
Now gamers interested in one of the best-selling mobile phone apps can get their hands on the fun-filled Angry Birds games without an iPhone or Android phone. The popular games “Angry Birds”, “Angry Birds Seasons” and “Angry Birds Rio” are included in this game, which will be featured on the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and the 3DS. The series is famous for its deceivingly complicated and mind-busting puzzles and every mission from the app games (including some bonus content) will be included in this game. The game is quite pricey (about $40), but the critically-acclaimed time waster might be worth the sticker price, especially if you don’t already own an iPhone or Android phone.
Stephen Margelony-Lajoie can be reached at [email protected]
Bob • Jan 5, 2013 at 3:17 pm
It would take all the room on the page to go into detail about all the game play changes but basically, if you’ve ever played Gears of War, the game play is very similar to it.
Brandon • Oct 1, 2012 at 11:49 pm
I definitely couldn’t recommend the angry birds trilogy on 3DS or on a gaming console to anyone. Just call it for what it is; it’s a money grab.
To anyone who actually wants to buy the toilet bird trilogy, just get it for a cool $3 on the app store.
lol, $40 for angry birds. Wow.
Apparently RE6 is also going to be a bargain bin title (see recent reviews). Looks like Capcom arguably is a stranger to survival horror, since they’ve been doing RE wrong since #5. Resident Evil needs less “Call of Duty” gameplay elements, and to return to the roots of what made RE an incredible gameplay experience. RE5 was a terrible, terrible game. Although, I enjoyed the last sequence of battles with Wesker.
Stephen M. • Oct 1, 2012 at 5:24 pm
Trust me, those are on my list, but I wanted to give them more proper reviews since I had a limited word count. Thank you for your suggestions! 🙂
I’m literally geeking out because of all of the games that are coming out this year.
Chris Marcurella • Oct 1, 2012 at 12:17 pm
Don’t forget about Assassins Creed III, Halo 4, and Dishonored.