The University Programming Council (UPC) announced the 2017 Spring Concert lineup Tuesday night in a video on their website. Matt and Kim, Lil Dicky and 2 Chainz are set to perform at Mullins Center on April 23.
Students shared differing opinions on their excitement for the show. Some felt unenthused by UPC’s choice of artists for this year’s concert, while others said they are looking forward to attending the event.
Meaghan Bernard, a freshman microbiology and math major, said she was indifferent about the lineup.
“I don’t really mind it, I don’t really have a big preference in music. I like it all,” she said.
Bernard added she will only attend the concert if her friends plan on going.
Amanda Motta, a psychology major, said she was excited to hear the lineup for the Spring Concert.
“I am so excited. I love Matt and Kim, I love 2 Chainz, I am really excited,” she said.
Motta said she plans on attending the concert with her friends. This is her first semester at UMass Amherst as a transfer student. She said the concert “is a good way to end the semester with 2 Chainz.”
Nick Miles, a natural resource and conservation major, said his favorite artist from the lineup is Matt and Kim.
“I honestly know nothing about two of the three of them, but I like Matt and Kim so maybe that is enough to get me to go,” he said.
Miles said Matt and Kim “have some good tunes,” and he enjoys their hit “Daylight.” Miles attended the previous UPC Spring Concerts his freshman, sophomore and junior year.
He said the concerts in 2014 and 2015 brought more relevant artists to campus, such as Chance the Rapper, Hoodie Allen, Slightly Stoopid and Wale. According to Miles, the varied musical styles of each artist this year may deter students from attending.
“I think it is good to have a diverse lineup to appeal to more students , but at the same time you run the risk of having people not go because maybe they only want to see one [act] and it’s not worth the price,” said Miles.
Carson McGrath can be reached at [email protected].