Anxiety is like a flame
Both burn and burn
Flickering in and out of a dark room
But unlike a flame
Anxiety cannot be just “snuffed out”
Anxiety cannot just “run away”
No, in fact, it makes me want to run away
Anxiety has me in a triangle choke
And I lack the skills to get out from its legs
A flame is like anxiety
Both illuminate
Except while a flame keeps the demons at bay,
Anxiety holds onto them without my say
Anxiety is desperate
It’s instinct
It’s a survival mechanism
One that we don’t need
To have lit most of our lives
Anxiety is a seductive whisper
One that I resist listening to
Until its voice entraps me
With the sound of banshee
I always mistake as the song of the siren
Anxiety is like a sunset seen on campus
There shining bright in moment,
And gone in the next
All it takes is
One long blink of the eyes
Alexandra Molloy can be reached at [email protected].