When the movie begins, the audience is immediately introduced to unusual camerawork that sets the scene nicely. The widescreen frame slowly expands as the camera zooms out to become a full screen shot. This strange approach is not particularly effective, as it causes the first scene to look as if it were still a part of the previews, and not the feature presentation. Although the intention of framing the scene like a television program is not lost upon the viewer, a different approach to the opening scene would have been better received by the audience.
The atmosphere throughout the film is driven by the characters Becky encounters. Through the laughter and hope, the audience feels throughout the movie, the characters surely keep the audience entertained. Their differences make Becky’s job as a producer much harder, as she is forced to somehow make everyone look like they are getting along on TV.
The relationship between the characters of Becky and Mike Pomeroy, a news anchor played by Harrison Ford, is almost tangible. McAdams and Ford play the roles of their characters so well that the chemistry between them is electric. As a viewer, you can feel the tension and frustration building up for Becky as she tries to break down the barriers Mike continues to put up. At the same time, Diane Keaton joins the cast as Colleen Peck, Pomeroy’s old, bitter co-anchor. The dynamic hatred between Colleen Peck and Mike Pomeroy provides Becky with a set of obstacles that is both entertaining and realistic.
Just when you think the movie may start to become a bit predictable, the director throws the audience a curveball. The surprise was a smart choice, as it kept the audience questioning when the situation would finally get better for Becky.
The conclusion of the film was satisfying, leaving the audience smiling at its cute and clever ending.
“Morning Glory” was rounded out by a smartly chosen soundtrack, featuring work by Joss Stone, Paolo Nutini and Colbie Caillat. The soundtrack ebbs and flows to follow the plot of the film and add depth to the actions portrayed on screen. In one particular scene when Becky is trying to get her co-hosts to get together to discuss what stories they will cover, the bickering of Mike and Colleen is supported by Michael Bublé’s cover of “Stuck In The Middle With You.”
“Morning Glory” is a refreshing breath as it stands out from the crowd of chick flicks filling theaters. Funny, clever and sentimental, the film shies away from the background love story, as Mitchell includes love to show the struggle that real people deal with in a demanding job. This movie shows the audience what it takes to thrive in the career world. It also displays the difficulties of getting a job in the journalism field. It is a must see. You may even want to go back for seconds.
Malea Ritz can be reached at [email protected].