The campus pond lures Eight o’clock a.m.
Smells of algae compel you This may be your walk of shame
Go, fly with the geese. We all make mistakes.
With burning fury If you are hungry
You watch as they drive away Go eat at Berkshire Late Night
the PVTA. You won’t regret it.
You ate at Franklin Do you like warfare?
It was Finger Food Friday Join Humans versus Zombies
You must burn your clothes. Annoy all others.
Pizza from Blue Wall You receive the text
My lower intestine bows Oh, the woes of freshman year
To porcelain gods. You are sexiled!
Your first frat party Sorority pledge
Door cover charge of five bucks Swear allegiance to sisters
How philanthropic. Just don’t forget dues.
They live in Southwest Oh, PoliSci kid
Slippers for shoes and light coats You are misinformed and smug
Behold: UggFaces. Please, put your hand down.
Emily Felder is a Collegian columnist/poet. She can be reached at [email protected].