In this week’s episode, Glee paid tribute to the late Whitney Houston in a touching, but still energetic episode. The episode opens with Mercedes, Santana, Rachel and Kurt performing a rendition of “How Will I Know” that was a fantastic contrast to the over-produced pop numbers that the show has been featuring lately. Mr. Schuester wonders why the group is still so upset over Whitney’s passing, and looks to Emma for advice. Emma, who had her own issues over the passing of Princess Diana, suggests that their mourning really stems from their fear and apprehension about graduating.
This launches Mr. Schuester’s lesson of the week: each student will perform a Whitney song to help them deal with their sadness over leaving McKinley. Britney starts the glee club off with a fun and upbeat take on “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me).” Santana joins her on the song and the number is one of the highest points of the episode. Santana also joins forces with Rachel and the unlikely duo team up for “So Emotional.” The song prompts the pair to become friends, after realizing there was no reason for them to be enemies anymore. Finally.
Quinn returns to the spotlight in this episode after disappearing in the last episode. The new kid, Joe Hart, shows interest in Quinn and accompanies her to physical therapy. Despite a rough start, they sing a duet of “Saving All My Love for You” and end on a happy note.
The majority of the drama in this episode comes from the unlikely source of Kurt and Blaine. Usually a rock-solid couple, Kurt “cheats” on Blaine by repeatedly texting a boy named Chandler that he met buying sheet music. Blaine performs a cutting rendition of “It’s Not Right, But It’s OK” in efforts to show Kurt how angry he is. Kurt has a long overdue heart-to-heart with his father and performs “I Have Nothing” for Blaine. After expressing his regrets through song, Blaine forgives him and the two reunite.
Overall, the episode was energetic and fun and showcased a fantastic collection of Whitney Houston songs. Smaller side plots in the episode also set up some exciting scenes for the rest of the season and season four. Will and Emma’s wedding planning in this episode increased anticipation for the actual wedding, whenever it may take place. The final number had the glee club singing “My Love is Your Love” and enjoying the last few weeks together. Despite the sappy nature of the scene, the audience will enjoy the touching scenes like this that will lead up to graduation regardless. Up next week are NYADA auditions, so be sure to watch!
Molly Keegan can be reached for comment at [email protected].
Denise • May 6, 2012 at 12:23 am
Great job! I love these updates when I don’t have time to catch the show!