This week’s episode of “Modern Family” showed us a different side of each of the characters and I, for one, liked it.
First, Phil takes Hayley to see his alma mater, though I twas under the impression they were questioning whether she will even get into college. Because the show usually ends on a pretty positive note, I can’t see Hayley being rejected from every school. On the other hand, if she does leave, will her character just be written out or demoted to guest star status? Community college maybe? Hanging out with students and jumping in on cheer practice?
Phil loves his time back on campus. He even lets Hayley go off with some other girls, only to find out she’s actually at a frat house. Fun Phil suddenly becomes super concerned father and tracks Hayley down with a GPS on his phone, only to discover she is at the world’s tamest frat party, drinking ginger ale. It’s not often we see Phil get this worked up, so it was a sweet “Full House” moment when Phil admits to Hayley that he feels like he’s loosing her. Almost too sweet. I’m looking for laughs from this show not sentimental moments. That’s the trade off I suppose. I did like seeing Hayley as an actual human being rather than a one-note character that only rolls her eyes. I was surprised when she actually considered staying with Phil rather than running off at the first chance she got. Maybe it was Alex’s absence that gave her more depth, since the two sisters usually share a plot.
Claire tries to let go for her one night alone, so she enlists Cam and Mitchell to take her out on the town. They don’t do a very good job because apparently they’re boring now. When did this happen? Last season one of their plots revolved around Mitchell’s attempt to attend a Lady Gaga concert, complete with glitter and glow sticks. Either way, Claire is left with a straight man she thinks is gay, after Cam and Mitchell leave (in the wrong prius). I would have LOVED to see Cam and Mitchell go clubbing with Claire. Unfortunately the writers had different plans for them. Maybe they’ll hit up a club in the future, in an attempt to break out of their rut.
I didn’t really care for Jay, Gloria, and Manny’s plot this week. It seemed like they got very little time, so I never really got into it, though Jay did have one of the best lines of the night. Buying gravity boots seemed more like something Luke would do, rather than Manny, so that was the only out of character event in their house.
This episode contained no Alex, no Lily, and much to my dismay, only fleeting moments
of Luke. Luke usually has some of the best lines of the night, and I was disappointed he wasn’t there, though it’s better they use him sparingly than overkill. Though I love the adults on this show I hope the kids are back next week! It doesn’t seem right without them.
Quote of the night:
Jay: “I’m just saying the guy’s a judge. He can put a shirt on.”
If you missed it you can watch the entire episode here:
Modern Family: Go Bullfrogs
Sam can be reached for comment at [email protected]