Even though the fall semester is a bitter reminder that the relaxing summer days have faded away, there are plenty of positives that come with the beginning of school. Here are six reasons to embrace the new semester and the infamous New England fall foliage”

Football means tailgating
The beginning of football season means one thing: tailgating. With the Minutemen now playing at Gillette Stadium, tailgating season will take on a whole new level. Beers, barbecues and a sea of maroon make the painful leap from summer to fall completely worthwhile. And with the NFL having kicked off a new season this week, there are plenty of other opportunities to tailgate and watch football outside of UMass.
That sweet pumpkin spice
As the leaves change color and cooler weather approaches, warm beverages return to local coffee hotspots like the downtown Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. Students await the return of warm pumpkin spice lattes, eager to indulge in this magical caffeinated flavor.
Seeing friends again
Being reunited with friends you haven’t seen over the summer is one of the highlights of returning to school. Whether it was distance or lack of time that kept you apart, the new semester has a way of bringing everyone together again. Suddenly, you’re in very close proximity with friends that live miles and miles away, causing you to wonder how you survived the entire summer without them.
A whole new world
The first semester back at school feels like a mini-New Year in itself. Everything is new and fresh, and you’re feeling more ambitious than ever. New classes bring new professors, new material, and of course, new people. No one can deny that initial survey of the lecture hall on the first day of classes, hoping that a cutie will spark your interest more than the course itself.
Holiday road
The fall semester includes the three holidays to look forward to: Columbus Day (no school), Halloween and Thanksgiving. Halloween at UMass is bigger than Thanksgiving and Christmas combined. People spend hours and hours putting time and effort into creating an original costume, and the weekend of celebrations usually extends to at least four nights.
Kim Giordano can be reached at [email protected].